คำศัพท์เพื่อแสดงความถี่ English frequency words

23 คำศัพท์เพื่อแสดงความถี่ (English frequency words)
พร้อม Story ที่ใช้ทั้ง 23 คำนี้ด้วย!

1. All the time – ตลอดเวลา
2. Always – เสมอ
3. Usually – มักจะ
4. Often – บ่อย
5. Frequently – บ่อย
6. Sometimes – บางครั้ง
7. Rarely – ไม่บ่อย / ไม่ค่อย
8. Hardly ever – ไม่บ่อย / แทบจะไม่
9. Seldom – ไม่บ่อย / ไม่ค่อย
10. Occasionally – นานๆ ที
11. Every now and then – นานๆ ที
12. Never – ไม่เคย / ไม่มีวัน
13. Daily – ทุกวัน
14. Weekly – ทุกสัปดาห์
15. Monthly – ทุกเดือน
16. Yearly – ทุกปี
17. Hourly – ทุกชั่วโมง
18. Regularly – อย่างเป็นประจำ
19. Intermediately – เป็นช่วงๆ / เป็นระยะๆ
20. Periodically – เป็นช่วงๆ / เป็นระยะๆ
21. Quarterly – ทุกไตรมาส
22. Biannually – ทุกครึ่งปี
23. Fortnightly – ทุกสองสัปดาห์

“A Busy Year in the Life of Emma”

Emma is a young woman who lives in a bustling city. She has a routine that she follows all the time. She always starts her day with a hearty breakfast. Usually, she takes the bus to work, but often she walks if the weather is nice.

Frequently, Emma has meetings at her job. Sometimes, these meetings can be quite long. She rarely gets bored though, as her job is interesting. Hardly ever does she complain about her work.

During lunch breaks, Emma seldom eats out. Occasionally, she treats herself to a nice meal at a nearby restaurant. Every now and then, she invites her colleagues to join her. She never forgets to bring her favorite book to read during these breaks.

After work, Emma goes to the gym. She exercises daily to stay healthy. Weekly, she attends a yoga class to relax her mind. Monthly, she meets her friends for a movie night. Yearly, she takes a long vacation to explore new places.

Emma checks her email hourly because her job requires quick responses. She regularly finishes her work tasks on time. She likes to travel intermediately, taking short trips every few months. Periodically, she visits her family in the countryside.

Quarterly, Emma has performance reviews at work. Biannually, she attends workshops to improve her skills. Every fortnightly, she volunteers at a local animal shelter.

In the end, Emma’s life is full of various activities. She manages her time well and enjoys the balance between work, relaxation, and helping others.


อยากเรียนภาษาอังกฤษจนคล่อง 😃
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★★ วีดีโอคอร์ส 100 ชั่วโมง
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